— Hi there I’m Susan

My Story…

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I am a widow and mother to two great teenage boys. I started my health and wellness journey over 30 years ago when my metabolism slowed down and the inches started. building up around my waist. I was working full time as a system engineer at the time in New York City and had spend a lot of money on suits I was expected to wear at work. When I got to the point where I was having trouble squeezing into them, I stepped on. the scale and was horrified that I had gained 20 lbs. And so I made one of the best decisions of my life to cut out all fast food and soda and used Slim Fast to drop the weight. This worked great and I was able to ease into a better diet and lifestyle for the next 20 years even after getting married and giving birth to 2 sons. It was while I was pregnant with my second son that my husband was diagnosed with advanced prostrate cancer. He was only 48 yrs old but had a large tumor in each prostate and a PSA over 100. I researched the disease and he researched his medical options and decided on a specialized radiation, chemotherapy and hormone protocol which he endured over a 12 month period. I began to remove processed foods and sugar from our diet. But 6 months later, his PSA started going up and the doctor at the cancer facility who said he would be our doctor for the rest of my husband’s life, said there was nothing more he could do and referred us to other cancer clinics like Anderson and Moffit. They looked at his scans and test results and basically said there is nothing more we can do for you besides keep you on hormones until they stop working and then chemotherapy until you die. As a now retired, wife, and mother with a 3 yr old and 1 yr old that was an unacceptable solution and so I entered the world of diet, lifestyle and alternative medicine. And what a rollercoaster that has been.

First stop was the Hallelujah Diet.

Second stop was a Chinese Herbal remedy.

Third stop was a very expensive local alternative cancer treatment clinic.

Next was a Dr. we met at a Truth About Cancer seminar.

Next up 2 different local clinics ….

Then Mexico Clinic ….

More Radiation

A second Dr. from another Truth About Cancer seminar. A chiropractor from a Truth About Cancer seminar.

A disastrous hyperbaric chamber treatment that my husband never recovered from succumbing to either undiagnosed brain cancer or COVID or a little of both in Aug 2020.

I am available for

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One-on-One Counseling​

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Best-Sellin Books​

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Stage Shows and Talks​

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